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Congrats, you received a Smart COI!

A Smart COI is a Certificate of Insurance that contains policies available for real-time monitoring on Certificial, the Smart COI Network. We use real-time data to ensure businesses always have continuous, compliant insurance coverage. 

Your Smart COI comes with a unique COI ID. If you’re already a Certificial user, log in to enter your COI ID. If you’re a new user, register here and follow the prompt to input your COI ID. Once you claim your COI ID, you’ll be tracking your suppliers in real-time!

Register and claim your COI ID to start tracking your Suppliers in real-time today!


Trusted by 60,000+ companies

Real-time COIs in one simple platform make compliance management easy.

Reduce Risk

Know your suppliers’ current coverage at all times via continuous feeds from their Agents’ systems

Simplify Your Systems

Manage all your suppliers, along with their insurance requirements in a single location

Eliminate Uninsured Activity

Trigger action when Suppliers are non-compliant by denying access to systems or buildings, stopping a payment, or canceling an order

Save Time

Add your standard MSA requirements as templates to quickly request insurance coverage from Suppliers

Get Alerts

Receive notifications when a Suppliers’ insurance coverage lapses, is canceled, or reduced below your required limits.

Certificial is so much more than a certificate management system.

certificATE management systems
certificates of insurance
Digitally request & receive supplier coverage
Instantly compare supplier coverage to your minimum requirements
Automatically receive updates to coverage changes and renewals
Continuously monitor suppliers' policies
Reduce operational expense
Cost per supplier


Digitally request & receive supplier coverage
Instantly compare supplier coverage to your minimum requirements
Automatically receive updates to coverage changes and renewals
Continuously monitor suppliers' policies
Reduce operational expense
Cost per supplier

Certificate Management Systems

Digitally request & receive supplier coverage
Instantly compare supplier coverage to your minimum requirements
Automatically receive updates to coverage changes and renewals
Continuously monitor suppliers' policies
Reduce operational expense
Cost per supplier

Certificates of Insurance

Digitally request & receive supplier coverage
Instantly compare supplier coverage to your minimum requirements
Automatically receive updates to coverage changes and renewals
Continuously monitor suppliers' policies
Reduce operational expense
Cost per supplier

Register and claim your COI ID to start tracking your Suppliers in real-time today!

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